A Retroactive Resolution for New Year’s

A Retroactive Resolution for New Year’s
January 8, 2015 jersey Estate Planning 0 Comments

Did you forget to make your New Year’s resolutions? Or maybe you’ve already broken them? (Hey, statistically speaking, more than half the population will have already broken theirs by now!)

Well it still isn’t too late to turn over a new leaf!

I recently came across an article out of Wisconsin’s Beloit Daily News that asked why people focus so much on fitness in their New Year’s resolutions rather than finances?

Estate planning is particularly overlooked in the resolution routine, perhaps because it doesn’t feel like a “fun” way to kick off a new beginning. But, as the Daily News points out, there are thousands of totally unexpected deaths every year.

When people pass away without an adequate plan in place, they leave their loved ones a complicated and often-expensive hurdle. That can be avoided by simply spending a little time on a comprehensive estate plan.

After all, New Year’s is the time for taking stock of all those little items we’ve left unmarked on life’s checklist. January is a prime opportunity to finally tackle all our do-it-laters. For many, “estate planning” still has a glaringly empty checkbox beside it.

There is still time to change that! As 2015 gets underway, we encourage you to give your estate plan a little time and attention. You and your loved ones will be glad you did.

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