Category: Medicare

Paying for Alzheimer’s: Medicare, Medicaid, and Long-Term Care

Few diagnoses are more devastating than Alzheimer’s, both in terms of its health toll and its extraordinary financial imposition on families. Paying for long-term care isn’t easy, especially if you or your parents haven’t already been saving for years. Even well in advance, finding the extra money to set aside for a long-term care fund[...]

Plan for Long-Term Care Costs Now

While most Americans are aware of the distinct possibility that they will require long-term care after reaching the age of seniority, it is next to impossible to determine when this care will be needed, and what the extent of it will be. It is therefore vital for everyone to have a plan for the potential[...]

Paying for Nursing Home Costs

The number of people who will require nursing home care will continue to rise as the baby boomer population continues to age. Although there are a myriad of programs that may assist these people in paying for that care, often times people need help navigating their way through these options. A recent article discusses several[...]