Gifts Large & Small for Family Members Suffering from Dementia & Alzheimer’s

Gifts Large & Small for Family Members Suffering from Dementia & Alzheimer’s
December 20, 2011 jersey Elder Law 0 Comments

I was reading my youngest son a story before bedtime. Lately, he’s been into the Berenstain Bears and tonight we read The Berenstain Bears and The Joy of Giving. This one is a Christmas story that tries to teach that there is more joy in giving than receiving. Just the right lesson for a 5 year old. But, the story got me thinking about how that difference extends into adulthood.

If you have a family member suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s, most people would still find more joy in giving than in getting and perhaps the greatest gift would be a pill that could prevent or cure the disease. It turns out scientists are already at work on such a pill. Here’s a link to an article discussing the specific gene sequence that some scientists believe can help lead to a cure.

Until that time comes, people struggle to find appropriate gifts for loved ones with dementia. My friend, and fellow AATEELA lawyer, Victoria Collier, has put together a great list of thoughtful gifts. You can read the list here. All of these gifts deal with the joy of giving something that may spark recognition or comfort in the family member with dementia.

Posted by Victor Medina

Medina Law Group & The New Jersey Estate Planning Center



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