The Bravery of Living With Parkinson’s Disease

The Bravery of Living With Parkinson’s Disease
April 19, 2014 jersey Trust vs. Will 0 Comments

The Bravery of Those Living With Parkinson’s Disease

I am spectacularly unqualified to discuss Parkinson’s disease. I don’t have it myself, and there are no close family members of mine living with it. Even so, I’ve been witness to it more than most from my position as estate planning attorney.

The disease intersects my life one of two ways — either I meet a client who has it currently, or I meet the surviving spouse of an individual who died with the disease. In both cases, I am struck by the remarkable bravery and strength of these people.

It’s not that other folks aren’t brave when dealing with disease, but there has been something unique about Parkinson’s condition that has hit a chord with me. I think it must be a combination of seeing how long these people have battled, and how their bravery has continued in the face of decades of frustration (for most) at the sudden physical helplessness that accompanies the disease.

That’s probably the reason why this article from the NY Times touched me as deeply as it did.

I think you should read it.

Posted by Victor Medina, Medina Law Group, LLC

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